Урок по английскому языку в 11 «Б» классе Тема уро�
«МОУ Верхопенская средняя общеобразовательная школа имени М.Р.Абросимова»
Открытый урок по английскому языку в 11 «Б» классе
Тема урока: « Всё о кино »
Кузнецова Валентина Леонидовна.
Тема: « Всё о кино».
Совершенствовать лексические навыки говорения по теме «Кино». Практиковать учащихся в устной речи, в умении вести дискуссию.
Учебные пособия и оборудование урока: картинки и фото киноактёров, видеофильмы, телевизор, видеомагнитофон, интерактивная доска, компьютер.
На доске план урока:
Topic of the lesson: Everything about Cinema
The motto of the lesson:
Film is silver, book is gold.
The Plan of the lesson:
1 Information about future projects.
2 Dialogues about cinema ( history, actors, producers, films)
3 Discussion of the films: “Scarlet”, “Titanic”.
Phonetic Drill:
Actor director realistic
actress producer tragedy
bestseller cartoon western
film horror unrealistic
cinema documentaries spy
comedy story line cartoon
company talented award
Hollywood war films Oscar Prize
Warner Brothers MGM popular
Universal excellent film star
Studio film projector nomination
silent film arrival shoot a film
1 Организационный момент.
Учитель здоровается, сообщает цели и задачи урока.
Раздаётся стук в дверь. Входят два ученика, одетых по французской моде, представляются братьями Люмьер.
2 Речевая зарядка: инсценировка (братья Люмьер беседуют о кино
1- Бонжур, мадам, мадмуазель,мусье.
2- Hello ladies and gentlemen.
1-We are the Lumiere brothers.
2- Yes, we invented the first film projector in 1895.
1-And we made the first film in 1895.
2- But we want to tell you our secret- our invention was made 20 years before.
1-Yes, we wanted the people to read more books for 20 years.
2- And to go to the library during 20 years.
На протяжении всего урока «братья Люмьер» помогают учителю вести урок: включают и выключают ТСО, ставят диски, меняют видеофильмы.
3 Фонетическая зарядка. Чтение слов по цепочке с интерактивной доски или с доски.
4 Проверка домашнего задания: на интерактивной доске: 2 ученика демонстрируют собранный материал для проектов о кино.
My project is about Disney Walt and his heroes.
I like cartoon films very much, so I am going to tell you some facts from his biography.
Walt Disney was born in Chicago, his father being Irish Canadian, his mother of German-American origin. He had a great talent for drawing, he also liked to take photos and after his service with the American Red Cross he continued to draw. In 1923 he and his brother Roy
went to Hollywood, they lived a hard life for some years and at last in 1927 they produced a series of cartoon films. Their first cartoon film was called “Oswald the Lucky Rabbit”. Then
in 1928 “ Steam-boat Willie” appeared. The first sound film was “ Mickey Mouse”. It had a
great success.
Soon the funny heroes of his cartoons became the most favourite heroes for all children and
grown ups .Donald Duck, Minnie, Pluto are very popular not only in America but all over the world.
My project is devoted to film awards and film actors.
Now a few words about Oscar. The statuette is 34 cм. It is not very big, but beautiful. Every year Oscar is given to the best film, actor or actress, producer, screenwriter, to the best song and music from the film. Oscar is given in 20 nominations. It is a very beautiful ceremony in Hollywood. I’ve also got some facts about actors and actresses.
Sean Connery is my favourite actor. He is very talented and I like films with him.
I also like films with Emilio Esteves and Charlie Sheen, they are 2 brothers-film actors from America.
Рассказы учащихся сопровождаются показом слайдов с изображением фигурки Оскара,
портретами актёров и актрис.
5 Беседа о кино. На доске вопросы, которые учитель предлагает обсудить:
-What was the name of the first film?
-Name some Russian producers.
-What film companies do you know? Name them.
-Who is your favourite actor or actress?
-Do you often go to the cinema?
Учащиеся делают небольшие сообщения о любимых актёрах и актрисах, о любимых фильмах, о наиболее известных кинокомпаниях. ( Вся информация
даётся в страноведческом справочнике учебника, учащиеся могут использовать и любую дополнительную информацию).
6 Обсуждение отрывков из кинофильмов “Titanic” и “Scarlet”.Учащиеся приносят свои любимые фильмы сами и предлагают просмотреть и обсудить небольшие фрагменты.
And now let us discuss the film “Scarlet”.
Приблизительные высказывания учащихся:
Tanya: This is my favourite film. I like English films, they are not so aggressive as American ones. The story line is very interesting.
Olesya: I am fond of such films too. They have the happy end and are true to life.
My favourite film is “Gone with the Wind”. And ” Scarlet” is the second part of it.
I like the actors and the story line is very interesting. I read the book last year and then I
saw the film. I think the book is more interesting than the film.
I think Vivien Lee in the film “Gone with the Wind” is excellent, but Joann Wally Kilmer
is also very nice. I like English films. I agree that English films are not so aggressive as American ones.
The film “Scarlet’ got 2 ” Ammy” awards and is one of bestsellers in the world.
Maria: My impressions of the film are great. I like the song from the film, I like the main heroes and their acting
Olga: The film has got “Oscar” and was the best film of the year. Most of all I like
the part of the film where Jack and Rose are in the water. They are dying but Jack finds the words to support Rose and asks her not to die. It is very touching. Di Caprio is acting excellently.
Zhenya: As to me I like action films, war films and historic films.
Gevorg: My best films are comedies. I like Russian comedies by Gaidai.
7 Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание. Индивидуальные карточки.
Приложения: карточки с домашним заданием.
Данные тесты помогают закрепить пройденный материал. Они составлены с учётом индивидуальных способностей учеников т.е. разноуровневые. Тесты очень эффективны, не отнимают много времени, интересные по содержанию. Учащиеся выполняют их с удовольствием.
A. Homework Подобрать нужные слова к предложениям.
Melodramas, action films ,horror films, musicals, comedies, documentaries
1------- are usually aggressive and have many fights of different types.
2-------are films with a lot of singing and dancing.
3 ----- are films stuffed with unreal things and special effects.
4------are films where people find themselves in funny situations and we laugh a lot.
5------are very popular among women and housewives.
B. Homework Составьте предложения из данных слов:
1 Screenwriter, Ryazanov, is,a great,and, film director,Russian.
2 English, silent, Charlie Chaplin,is, actor, the best,of, comedies.
3 Favourite, my,film, is,”Diamond Hand”.
4 Di Caprio,film actor, famous,is,a,Us,for, roles, his, “Romeo and Juliet”, and, in, “Titanic”
5 Go, cinema,I, like, to, with, the to, friends, my.