План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 8-м классе по теме «Какие они - Британцы?» (УМК «Английский язык» для 8-го класса, авторы учебника В.П. Кузовлев и др.). Unit 1 «My country at a glance». Lesson 3 «What are the British like?»
Цели урока:учебный аспект - формирование грамматических навыков говорения (структуры Complex Object); развитие речевых умений по изучаемой теме; совершенствование навыков аудирования и чтения;
развивающий аспект - развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия, развитие коммуникабельности и кругозора учащихся;
воспитательный аспект - формирование представления об образе жизни британцев, воспитание уважительного отношения к чужой культуре, традициям Британии, чувства сопричастности к чужой культуре и более глубокое осознание своей культуры.
Оснащение урока: интерактивная доска, аудиозапись.
^ ХОД УРОКАI. Организационный момент. Teacher: Hello, children! Today at the lesson we are going to speak about the British. What are the British like? (На экране появляется слайд 1, см. Приложение 1). And we shall start describing…What is the most interesting, even thrilling topic of the British?
Children: Weather.
Teacher: Of course. What is the weather like today?
Дети описывают погоду. Вызванный к доске ученик из предложенных фраз выбирает то, что относится к хорошей погоде и подчеркивает красным цветом; то, что относится к плохой погоде, подчеркивается, синим цветом.
^ Lovely day, isn’t it? It is so nice and hot. I adore it, don’t you?
Isn’t it dreadful? The rain…I hate rain… Wonderful, isn’t it?
Rain in the morning, rain, rain… The sun…
Слайд 2
Дети проверяют задание и в заключении учитель говорит: Never contradict anybody when discussing the weather. If anybody says to you: Nice day, isn’t it? – answer without hesitation: «Isn’t it lovely?» These sentences will be good for any occasion.
^ II. Практика аудирования Слайд 3
Teacher: Now we shall learn to listen and hear. You‘ll listen to the text about the British queen. After listening you’ll answer my question: What is the queen Elizabeth fond of? (На доске выписаны незнакомые слова)
Staff – штат служащих
Bishop – епископ
Ambassador – посол
Paper work – канцелярская работа
Judge - судья
The Queen Elizabeth II is one of the richest women in the world. Being a queen is a really busy job. Elizabeth II gets up early and begins the day by looking through newspapers. Then she reads letters from the public (she gets more than 1000 each week) and tells the staff how they should be answered. The Queen has daily meetings with her private Secretary who helps her to do paper work, and lots of meetings with ambassadors, new judges and bishops. In the afternoons she opens new hospitals, bridges, factories. Once a week the Queen has a meeting with the Prime Minister and they discuss government business and important things that are happening in the country. In the evening she reads the report of the day from the Parliament. She must agree to every new law. In her spare time the Queen enjoys horse racing, fishing and walking in the countryside. She also enjoys photography and likes taking photos on her travels.
(После прослушивания дети отвечают на вопрос: What does the Queen like doing in her free time?)
^ III. Работа с грамматикой.Teacher: What traits of British characters are known in the world? Compose the sentences using Complex Object (дети составляют предложения о британцах с использованием Complex Object по образцу- слайд 4)
The English The Scots
The Welsh
The Irish The British
thought said
believed considered supposed
to be
great tea drinkers practical and careful
country people
emotional but reticent
Слайд 4
^ IV. Контроль домашнего задания. Дети читают домашний текст – упр. 2 в Reader.
На доске появляется слайд 5.
Слайд 5
Учитель предлагает учащимся найти в тексте слова, описывающие эту картинку, и составить самостоятельные предложения о любимых занятиях британцев. В завершении обсуждения учащимся предлагается короткий текст о хобби британцев (он может быть напечатан на карточках).
Gardening – is a well-known favourite. As the weather in Britain is mild, British manage to do gardening almost all the year round. Sometimes this can be just doing a bit of weeding and sometimes, serious vegetable and fruit growing. In fact, regardless of the size of the garden, the British can always find plenty to do in it. Mowing grass is also very important. Every Sunday morning (except for winter) they come out to mow their lawns. The British see an unmown lawn not only as a sign of laziness, but also as disrespect to others.
^ V. Развитие навыков чтения (чтение с разными стратегиями)Teacher: The Queen of England (Elizabeth II) has got lots of homes. Sometimes she lives at Buckingham Palace in London and sometimes at Windsor Castle in Windsor.
Teacher: Write the verbs in the gaps.
lived had stays built startedBuckingham PalaceIn 1705, the Duke of Buckingham (1)
built Buckingham Palace. Queen Victoria (2) _____ there in 1837. After that, different kings and queens lived in the palace. Today, Queen Elizabeth II often (3) _____ there. When she is at 'home', a flag flies from the roof.
Windsor Castle William I (William the First) (4) _____ to build* this castle in the 1070s. The castle is a favourite place for royal weddings. Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles (5) _____ a big party in the castle after their wedding in 2005.
Слайд 6
Дети вставляют слова из рамки в тексты.
Teacher: Match the pictures with the numbered texts.
1. Money problems __________ The Queen opened Buckingham Palace to the public for the first time in 1993. Why? Because she needed money after a big fire at Windsor Castle. The fire lasted for 15 hours and it destroyed a lot of rooms.
2. Big Houses __________ Buckingham Palace has more than 500 rooms and 78 bathrooms. 19 of the rooms are open to the public for two months each year. Windsor Castle is a lot bigger - it has over 1,000 rooms!
3. The Royal Guard __________ Every day, lots of tourists stand in front of the palace to watch the Changing of the Guard. The Guards wear red jackets and 'bearskins' (very big black hats). They mustn't smile at the tourists when they are working. This is sometimes very difficult!
4. The gardens __________ The gardens at Buckingham Palace are very big. In 2002, the Queen had a big pop concert there to celebrate 50 years of being Queen. She also has big tea parties there and invites different people to them. For a picnic, go to Windsor. The gardens there are bigger and they are always open.
5. Not invited __________ In 1982 the Queen woke up at Buckingham Palace with a surprise. There was a strange man sitting on her bed! His name was Michael Fagan. They talked for half an hour. Fagan asked the queen for a cigarette, but she couldn't give him one. She doesn't smoke. There are 200 bedrooms in the Palace. How did he find the right one?
Слайд 7
Дети после прочтения текста находят соответствие картинок отрывкам.
Teacher: Compete these sentences with words from the text. The first letters make the name of the Queen’s favourite kind of dog.
1. Windsor
CASTLE is older than Buckingham Palace.
2. Only 19 of the rooms at Buckingham Palace are _____ to the public.
3. The British _____ Family have a lot of houses.
4. The _____ at Buckingham Palace have beautiful trees and flowers.
5. The Queen sometimes _____ people to parties at the palace.
Слайд 8
Дети вставляют в предложения подходящие по смыслу слова, первые буквы которых образуют новое слово – кличку собаки.
Teacher: Find the seven mistakes in the e-mail from Mike.
Слайд 9
Дети находят ошибки в тексте и исправляют их.
Teacher: There are many famous people in the history of Britain. In the 19th century in England, rich women did not usually go out to work. They stayed at home with their families. But some women wanted a different life. They wanted to learn new things and help people. Florence Nightingale was one of these women.
Teacher: Complete the text about Florence’s life with these words.
food countries angry dirty student books hospital jobСлайд 10
Дети вставляют слова из рамки в текст.
Teacher: Join the sentences halves in the lamps to learn more about Florence. Write the sentences.
Слайд 11
Florence never had a husband.
Дети составляют предложения и записывают их на интерактивной доске.
^ VI. Практика устной речиTeacher: Read the extract s and guess the titles of the text.
Ancient Universities The towns of Oxford and Cambridge have some of the finest buildings in Britain. They are famous for their universities, the oldest in England. All the students live and study in a college. Cambridge has 31 colleges and Oxford has 39. Oxford’s first college started in 1249. Cambridge’s first college opened in 1281.
2. _____________________ Before the 12th century, people who wanted a good education went to the Sorbonne in Paris. Then, in1167, all English students in Paris moved to Oxford. Some people say King Henry II told them to move. Others say the French threw them out! The students went to study in Oxford monasteries and that was the beginning of Oxford University.
3. ____________________ The Church was very important in Oxford and Cambridge for many years. For example, until the 19th century the university teachers were almost like priests and they couldn’t marry.
4. _____________________ Women started studying later than men. The first women’s college at Cambridge opened in 1869 and at Oxford in 1878. Today, three Cambridge colleges and one Oxford college are for women only. Men and women study together in the others.
5. ___________________ Every year the universities complete in a rowing race over 7 kilometers of the Thames. Each boat has eight male rowers and a cox, who must be a very light man or woman. The first race was in 1829 and it became a yearly race in 1839. All the students really want their university to win!
6. ____________________ People can stay in rooms at Oxford and Cambridge when the students are on holiday. Some rooms are modern but the older rooms are more interesting (and more uncomfortable). They often have low ceilings, small windows and a view of the square or ‘quadrangle’ in the same room as an ex Prime Minister or eating at the same table as Lawrence of Arabia!
Дети читают отрывки и придумывают заголовки к ним.
Teacher: Retell, what you know about Oxbridge.
Дети рассказывают об Оксфорде и Кембридже.
Teacher: Which rules is this student breaking?
Слайд 12
Дети рассматривают картинку и отвечают на вопрос.
VII.Объяснение домашнего задания. Activity book ex.1, 2; Reader ex. 3
VIII. Подведение итогов урока.Teacher: Today at the lesson we have spoken about British people and their traditions. Most people are proud of their traditions and customs and they carefully follow them.