Конспект урока по английскому языку (4 класс).
Тема урока: Scotland – an English-speaking country.
Учитель английского языка
МОУ гимназии № 1 г. Кострома
Шаповалова Ирина Владимировна
г. Кострома 2010 г.
Цель урока: введение и закрепление лексики по теме.
Задачи урока:
Практическая: развить навыки употребления введенной лексики по теме и речевых образцов: Some people say; some say; others say, а также формирование произносительных навыков и развитие умений аудирования и говорения.
Развивающая: активизировать творческие способности учащихся, формировать умение работать в команде.
Воспитательная: развивать познавательный интерес к традициям и обычаям страны изучаемого языка.
Тип урока:
По содержанию: урок применения полученных знаний.
По форме: урок-игра (соревнование команд)
Частные методы и приемы: беседа, выбор правильного варианта ответа, подбор соответствий, наглядный (использование иллюстраций).
Оборудование: карта Великобритании, флаг Великобритании, виды Шотландии, раздаточный материал, карточки с новой лексикой и речевыми образцами, учебник «Join in 4” авторов Gunter Gerngross и Herbert Puchta, костюмы и реквизит для инсценировки истории “Ice cream for Oswald”
Компетенции: лингвистическая, культуроведческая.
Подготовительная работа: в виде домашнего задания учащиеся подготовили инсценировку истории «Ice cream for Oswald”.
1 Организационный момент: приветствие, рапорт дежурного, определение темы и целей урока.
2.Презентация новой лексики и речевых образцов.
а) Вступление:
Учитель: What English-speaking countries do you know?
Ученики: Australia, the USA, England.
Учитель: Yes, you are right. But Еngland is only one part of a big country, which is called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Today we are going to travel to one of the parts of the country, which is called Scotland. It is a magic place, which is full of secrets. This map will help us. (Учитель показывает на карте местонахождение Шотландии).
в) Введение новой лексики:
Here on the board you can see these words,wich help us during travelling. Let’s read them.: (учитель зачитывает новые слова, карточки, которых находятся на доске, а ученики повторяют эти слова хором и индивидуально): Scotland, Edinburgh, capital, Loch Ness, deep lake, famous for, nonsense, Glasgow, the biggest city, Dunvegan castle, the ghost of the “Green Lady”, the ghost of a General, I think, some people say, others say.
3.Закрепление изученной лексики:
Учитель: Now let’s see what you know about this country. Say some sentenses, using new words. Try to begin like this: “ I think Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. Some people say a monster lives in Loch Ness”.
4.Работа с текстом:
Учитель: I think you know something about this country. Now open your books at page 24 and start our travelling to get more information about this magic country. There is a beautiful picture. What can you see?
Ученики: high mountains, an old castle, a deep lake, a long bridge and two photos.
Учитель: Yes, you can see two photos of British children. Their names are Ian and Holly. They live in Scotland. Let’s read their stories about Scotland.
а) Учащиеся читают истории по очереди.
Hi, I’m Ian.. I live in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. In the centre of the city there is a big castle. My favourite place in Scotland is Loch Ness. Loch Ness is a long, deep lake. The lake is famous for its monster, “Nessie”. Some people say it’s a very big snake. Some say it is a very big fish. Others say it’s all nonsense.
Hi, I’m Holly. I live in Glasgow, the biggest city in Scotland. My favourite place in Scotland is Dunvegan Castle. It’s a beautiful place and some people say that there are two ghosts there. One is the “Green Lady”. People say they sometimes see her when they eat their dinner. Maybe she’s just hungry. The other one is the ghost of a General. Maybe he’s in love with the Green Lady.
б) Учитель называет отдельные слова и словосочетания из текста по-русски, а ученики находят эти слова и словосочетания в тексте и зачитывают их.
в) Учитель: Now let’s play a game “ True – False”. I am going to say some sentences. If a sentence is not true, you clap your hands twice, like this (clap, clap) and then correct the mistake, e.g. : Ian lives in Glasgow. (Clap, clap.) False. Ian lives in Edinburgh.
1. Edinburgh is the biggest city in Scotland. (capital)
2. Loch Ness is a long, deep lake.(true).
3. Loch Ness is famous for its ghosts. (for its monster).
4. People say there are six ghosts. (two ghosts).
г) Now give short answers to my questions:
1. What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh). Показать на карте.
2. What is there in the centre of the city? (a big castle). Показать картинку.
3. What is Loch Ness? (a long, deep lake). Показать на карте.
4. What is it famous for? (for its monster) Показать на картинке.
5. What is its name? (Nessy)
6. What do some people say about this monster? (It’s a big snake).
7. What do others say? (It’s all nonsense).
8. What is Glasgow? (The biggest city in Scotland). Показать на карте.
9. What old buildings can you see there? (Dunvegan castle).
10. What is it famous for? (For two ghosts)
11. When can people see the ghost of the “Green Lady”? ( When they eat).
12. What do some people say about these ghosts? (They are in love).
д) Краткий пересказ основного содержания текста.
5. Работа с песней «Some people say..» в группах.
(На мелодию песни «Ну что сказать, ну что сказать? Устроены так люди.
Желают знать, желают знать, желают знать, что будет.)
Some people say, some people say
Scotland is a magic place.
Some people say, some people say
It’s famous for its lakes.
Some people say, some people say
The lakes are full of caves.
Some people say, some people say
The monsters live in caves.
Some people say, some people say
They may be fish or snakes.
Some people say, some people say
The monsters are big and grey.
Some people say, some people say
The ghosts live in castles.
Some people say, some people say
They aren’t afraid of us.
I think, I think, I think
Perhaps it may be true.
I think, I think, I think
It may be nonsense, too.
а) Учащиеся прослушивают исполнение песни и просматривают текст этой песни, размещенный на доске.
б) Учащиеся исполняют песню все вместе.
в) Текст песни убирается с доски, а группы учащихся получают по конверту с текстом песни. Этот текст разрезан на отдельные строчки. Задача учащихся восстановить текст и исполнить воссозданную песню.
6.Аудирование текста « The vampire bat »
а) Подготовка к аудированию.
Учитель:” Now let's dream. Just imagine that it is midnight. You are in an old castle. What can you see there? Close your eyes and dream. Open your eyes.
Ученики: Witches, monsters, ghosts, vampires, bats. Показать картинки.
б) Аудирование текста.
High up in the mountains there is an old castle. Nobody lives there, but only bats. They are friendly. But people say there is one unusual bat. It lives not far from the castle in a dark cave. Every night the bat wakes up in its dark cave. The bat is hungry. It leaves the cave and looks for food. Most bats eat insects or fruit, but this bat doesn’t eat anything. It drinks, and it drinks only one thing – blood. This is a vampire bat. The bat hunts at night. It looks for a large animal, like a cow. When it finds an animal, the bat sits on its back. The vampire bat has got very sharp teeth. It cuts a small hole in the cow’s leg. Then it drinks the blood. The cow doesn’t feel anything, so it doesn’t wake up. Before morning the bat flies back to its cave. It sleeps in the cave until the next night.
в) Выполнение упражнений в группах, используя раздаточный материал:1) Выбрать название истории из предложенного, 2) Вставить пропущенные слова в текст.
1.What’s the best name for this story?
a) An old castle.
b) Sharp teeth.
c) The vampire bat.
d) A dark cave.
2. Put in the missing words:
The vampire bat lives high up in 1)----------.It 2)---------------in a 3)----------in the day and it 4)---------- for food at 5)----------. This bat doesn’t 6) ----------fruit and 7)----------- . It 8) ------------ blood. It has got very 9)----------- teeth. It 10)-------- a small 11)------------ in a 12)---------------- leg. Then it drinks the animal’s 13)------.
Before morning the vampire bat 14)----------back to its cave.
Cow’s; dark cave; drinks; sleeps; hole; flies; night; eat; cuts; blood; looks; sharp; the mountains; insects.
7.Инсценировка истории «Ice cream for Oswald”
а) Подготовка к инсценировке.
Учитель: Now it's daytime. We are in front of the castle in Scotland. Look! What’s happening? ( Ученики готовят костюмы и реквизит).
б) Пока одна группа учащихся готовится к инсценировке, оставшиеся учащиеся исполняют песню:
Would you like to come along tonight?
My favourite place is an old castle,
And only I know where it is.
Would you like to come along with me?
There are lots of scary things to see.
There mice and lots of spiders.
The cellar’s full of rats.
There are snakes and frogs
And in the night you can see a lot of bats.
Every night at twelve o’ clock,
The castle comes alive.
There are lots and lots of ghosts about.
You can hear them scream and shout.
But if you’re really scared
Of ghosts and rats and mice,
You’d better not come along, all right?
To that castle in the middle of the night.
б) Инсценировка истории.
“ Ice cream for Oswald”.
Guide: This castle is 800 years old. In the tower there’s a ghost.
Visitor 1: What’s his name?
Guide: Oswald.
Visitor 1: My ice cream!
Visitor 2: Stop shouting!
Oswald (the ghost): I love ice cream. An ice crem, please.
Seller: What flavour?
Oswald: Vanilla, chocolate and strawberry.
Seller: That’s one pound.
Oswald: Sorry, I haven’t got any money.
Seller: No money, no ice cream.
(Later. Oswald locks the guide in the room. )
Guide: Help! Let me go, Oswald.
Oswald: Sorry. Now I am the guide. What can I wear?
Now, ladies and gentlemen, this was Jessica the Beautiful.
And this is how Henry the Horrible killed the people he didn’t like.
Pull the rope, please.
Visitor 1: Aagh! How horrible!
Visitor 2: Wow!
(The visitors like the show and give Oswald some money.)
Visitor 1: Thank you. That was wonderful. Great show!
Visitor 2: Excellent. Best tour in my life.
Oswald ( to the guide);
You can come out now.
Oswald (to the seller:):
87 ice creams, please!
.Завершение урока: а) Подведение итогов: We’ve got a lot of information about Scotland. I think it’ll be the end of our lesson soon but not the end of our travelling. You’ve worked hard today. Thank you for the lesson. б) Сообщение оценок , в) Объяснение домашнего задания:
Расставить предложения в таком порядке, чтобы получился пересказ истории “ Ice cream for Oswald”.
Oswald loves it and goes to town to buy an ice cream.
Oswald wants to make some money.
Oswald is happy. Now he can buy lots of ice cream.
Oswald eats a boy’s ice cream.
He shows the vivitors how Henry the Horrible killed people.
Oswald doesn’t get his ice cream, because he hasn’t got any money.
They like it and give Oswald money.
Oswald locks the guide in the room.